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Valery Momot


Valerii Momot

Bujinkan soke Hatsumi Masaaki and Valerii Momot (Japan, Honbu Dojo, 2010)

Valerii Momot – Dai-shihan 15 Dan Bujinkan Budo Ninpo Taijutsu, the founder and head “Bujinkan Ukraine Shibu Dojo” - the unique organization Bujinkan in Ukraine which strictly follows rules Bujinden international and distribution and promotion of true knowledge Bujinkan Budo Ninpo taijutsu, and also fine ideas of the peace and the friendship advanced by dr. Hatsumi Masaaki sets as the purpose.
Valerii Momot has brought the big contribution to development and spread of knowledge about Bujinkan in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries of the former USSR.
Its first book «Born in darkness» (1992) became the bestseller, inspired to study Bujinkan hundreds people. In total Mr. Momot has written more than 15 books in Russian, devoted ninjutsu and budo taijutsu, has let out some educational and publicistic films, has lead tens seminars.
Today Momot Valery receives knowledge from Lubos Pokorny (Daishihan 15 dan, Czech), Sascha Uvira (Daishihan 15 dan, Germany), Dean Rostohar (Daishihan 15 dan, Croatia) and also exchanges experience with Christian Laiber (Daishihan, 15 dan, Romania) , Dominique Thibault (shidoshi, 7 dan, France) and many other teachers Bujinkan in the world.
Many present and former students Valerii Momot in Ukraine and Russia have Bujinkan shihan, shidoshi and shidoshi-ho degrees. The Most influential organizations Bujinkan in Russia also are based by former and present students Momot Valerii – such as “Bujinkan Tengu dojo”, “Bujinkan dojo Russia”, etc.
On any questions, concerning training, receptions of the information or seminars in Ukraine or other countries write to him to the address of momot@ninpo.org.ua.


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Прошедшие семинары
27-29 апреля 2018 г. , Тема: "От кихон хаппо к иккэн хассо: Синдэн Фудо рю тэн-но ката". Момот В.В. (14-й дан), Место проведения: Киев

24-25 марта 2018г., Тема: Гэндай Госиндзюцу - современная самозащита. Сихан Мирошкин Павел , Место проведения: г. Минск (Беларусь)

3 марта 2018г. з 13:00 по 15:00, Тема: Вебинар-9. Важные аспекты ниндзюцу – самозащита и выживание., Место проведения: Интернет

9-11 февраля 2018 г. , Тема: Семинар "Такаги Ёсин рю Сёдэн-гата омотэ и ура". Момот В.В. (14-й дан), Место проведения: Киев

12-14 января 2018г., Тема: Танто дзюцу. Маврин А.Л. (10-й дан), Место проведения: г. Брест (Беларусь)

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