The Bujinkan shall be open to only those who agree with and uphold the guidelines of the Bujinkan Dojo. Those not doing so shall not be allowed to join. Specifically:
(1) Only those who have read and agreed with these guidelines shall be allowed to participate.
(2) Only those able to exercise true patience, self-control, and dedication shall be allowed to participate.
(3) A physician’s examination report shall be required. Specifically, individuals with mental illness, drug addiction, or mental instability shall be barred from joining. The necessity of such a report concerns individuals who may present a danger to others, for example, those with infectious diseases or illnesses, individuals with clinically abnormal personalities or physiology, and individuals lacking self-control.
(4) Individuals with criminal records shall be turned away. Troublemakers, those who commit crimes, and those living in Japan who break domestic laws shall be turned away.
(5) Those not upholding the guidelines of the Bujinkan, either as practitioners or as members of society, by committing disgraceful or reproachable acts shall be expelled. Until now, the Bujinkan was open to large numbers of people who came to Japan. Among them, unfortunately, were those committing violent drunken acts, the mentally ill, and trouble makers who thought only of themselves and failed to see how their actions might adversely affect others. Through their actions, such people were discarding the traditional righteous heart of the Bujinkan. From this day forward, all such people shall be expelled.
(6) Regarding accidents occurring during training (both inside and outside the dojo), one should not cause trouble to the Bujinkan. This is an extremely important point. Those unwilling to take personal responsibility for accidents occurring during Bujinkan training shall not be admitted. Reiterating for clarity, the Bujinkan shall not take responsibility for any accidents happening in the course of training, regardless of the location.
(7) All those joining the Bujinkan must get an annual member’s card. This card not only preserves the honor of the Bujinkan members, it indicates you are part of a larger whole—one whose members come together with warrior hearts to better themselves through training and friendship. It evinces the glory of warrior virtue, and embodies both loyalty and brotherly love.
(8) The tradition of the Bujinkan recognizes nature and the universality of all human life, and is aware of that which flows naturally between the two parts:
“The secret principle of Taijutsu is to know the foundations of peace. To study is the path to the immovable heart (fudoshin).”
The Code of the Dojo:
1) To know that patience comes first.
2) To know that the path of Man comes from justice.
3) To renounce avarice, indolence, and obstinacy.
4) To recognize sadness and worry as natural, and to seek the immovable heart.
5) To not stray from the path of loyalty and brotherly love, and to delve always deeper into the heart of Budo.
To follow this code is part of the dojo’s guidelines.
Meiji 23 (1890) Spring, Toda Shinryuken Masamitsu
Showa 33 (1958) March, Takamatsu Toshitsugu Uou
Hatsumi Masaaki Byakuryu
(9) Initial training begins with Taijutsu
Kyu levels: beginners
First to Fifth dan: Ten (heaven)
Fifth to Tenth dan: Chi (earth)
Tenth to Fifteenth dan: Jin (person)
The eleventh to fifteenth dan are broken into Chi (earth), Sui (water), Ka (fire), Fu (wind) and Ku (emptiness); the Happo Biken will be taught at these levels. The fifth dan test shall only be administered by Soke. True Shihan can be given fifteenth dan.
Recently, the Bujinkan has become truly international. Just as there are various time zones, so exist various taboos among the world’s peoples and nations. We must respect each other, striving to avoid such taboos. We must put the heart of the warrior first, working together for self-improvement and for the betterment of the Bujinkan.
Those not upholding the above-mentioned guidelines shall be forced out of the Bujinkan.
All members should own every copy of the Hombu’s publications, and read and re-read them consistently as part of your training. Reading them soon after you join, a year later, and then several years after that, will afford you with different interpretations and different feelings. The Hombu’s publications also contain information concerning the worldwide practice of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu and the various materials (printed, video, or otherwise) available for training.
I. Our purpose is to live a healthy life, without harming society, by culturing the mutual relationships of Nature and Mankind through the martial ways.
II. All members must have a membership card for the year, issued by Hombu Dojo.
There are two types of membership card: general membership card and Shidoshi-kai membership card.
A. The general membership card applies to members of the Bujinkan Dojo, whether ungraded, Kyu-graded or Dan-graded.
B. The Shidoshi-kai membership card applies to those of Fifth Dan and above (called Shidoshi)
III. General members must pay a yearly membership fee of \ 2,000 to Hombu Dojo, in return for which they will be sent their membership card.
IV. The yearly membership fee of the Shidoshi-kai is \ 15,000.
V. Membership must be renewed every year.
VI. Principles of the Shidoshi-kai:
A. Members of the Shidoshi-kai, of Fifth Dan and above, may apply to Hombu Dojo for licences up to Fourth Dan and award these to their students. The prices are as follows:
1. Kyu grades (Ninth Kyu to First Kyu) \ 3,000 each.
2. First Dan \10,000.
3. Second Dan \ 20,000.
4. Third Dan \ 30,000.
5. Fourth Dan \ 40,000.
B. Shidoshi-ho are those from First Dan to Fourth Dan, and may award their students Kyu and Dan grades up to one below themselves. For example, a First Dan may award from Ninth Kyu up to First Kyu, and Second Dan may award up to First Dan, etc.
VII. Shidoshi and Shidoshi-ho certificates cost \ 10,000 each.
VIII. Licences for Fifth Dan and above cost \ 30,000 each.
IX. Training badges cost \ 1,500 for Kyu, \ 2,000 for Shidoshi-ho, and \ 3,000 for Shidoshi. The stars cost \150 each.
X. Lapel pins cost \ 1,500 for Kyu, \ 2,000 for Shidoshi-ho, and \ 3,000 for Shidoshi.
XI. All money should be sent in Japanese Yen, wherever possible, in cash but if necessary by a Post Office International Money Order. Other currencies or forms of payment are not acceptable.
XII. Members will be informed of Soke's activities, such as new Hombu videos and other publications.
XIII. Only membership cards and licences issued by Bujinkan Dojo will be recognised as valid. Those who offend against this principle will be expelled from the Bujinkan Dojo.
A. Furthermore, those who break the law (criminals) and those who are mentally abnormal may not become members.
XIV. The "Bujin" symbol is copyright. If planning to use it you must contact Hombu Dojo first for permission.
XV. Members must follow Bufu-Ikkan (the martial ways as a principle every day of your life) for the sake of protecting natural justice and happiness through the martial ways, without turning to personal profits and desires.
XVI. Members must always contact Hombu Dojo directly, and build up a community of members.
XVII. Communication with Hombu Dojo must be in Japanese. This is to help all business run smoothly, now that Bujinkan has become international. In addition, it is because much of the true nature of the martial ways can not be expressed except in Japanese.